Hugo Mentors Logo

Hugo Mentors connects high school students with professors at top universities for individualized mentorships designed around their interests.

Mentors work 1:1 with your student on a customized curriculum to complete independent projects that are impactful and unique.

Hugo was founded by educators. We seamlessly work with independent college counselors to help students find academic summer experiences and extracurriculars that stand out.

Colleges love students who demonstrate intellectual curiosity by working with professors.

We take the legwork out of finding faculty mentors, using our bespoke, student-centered approach to ensure the best fit.

Our flexible program is completely remote and can be done from anywhere in the world around the student’s schedule.

What we do

We MATCH students with mentors at top universities based on their interests.

All mentorships are remote and can be done from anywhere in the world. There are no set start or end dates. Students set the schedule.

We provide the IDEAL STRUCTURE.
Our unique research-based program includes hands-on oversight from a Program Officer and progress reports that can be shared with counselors.

We SUPPORT independent college counselors searching for meaningful, unique opportunities for students.

Hugo Mentorships are equivalent to the cost of a college summer program; we provide scholarships to talented students through our partners Prep for Prep.

We help students STAND OUT because they complete impressive projects and research that demonstrate enthusiasm for learning.

Hugo offers a level of customization that is very rare--students can find a mentor in such a wide field of interests (for example...SHARKS). I also know that there is a very human process behind the service; the company is accessible and guides students through in a way that matches the level of service I offer clients. I also appreciate being able to communicate with the team as a college counselor so I am confident that the experience will prove useful in the college application process.

Sarah S.
College Advisor

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Hugo offers a level of customization that is very rare--students can find a mentor in such a wide field of interests (for example...SHARKS). I also know that there is a very human process behind the service; the company is accessible and guides students through in a way that matches the level of service I offer clients. I also appreciate being able to communicate with the team as a college counselor so I am confident that the experience will prove useful in the college application process.

Sarah S.
College Advisor

No two mentorships are alike!

Projects are guided by academic experts and driven by student interests

College-level research papers for publication

Advocacy proposals and policy briefs

Product protoypes and computer models

Music, photography and arts portfolios

how it works