There are many reasons you should be concerned with plagiarism. Colleges and universities often have a zero-tolerance policy, which can lead to a failing grade, academic discipline, or even expulsion. In addition to these external consequences, you are ultimately depriving yourself of valuable learning experiences by presenting others’ work as your own.
In your professional life, plagiarism will damage your reputation as a trusted source/expert, and has been known to end peoples’ careers. Academics caught plagiarizing often have their entire body of research called into question, and publishers may redact their published articles retroactively. In this manner, an entire lifetime of work may be lost.
Plagiarizing by mistake is a common error amongst beginning writers, but it is preventable. Avoid accidental plagiarism by following these best practices:
Get into the habit of citing sources. As you grow as a writer, you will find that you get into a rhythm of citing as you write. Each definitive statement that you make in an argument should cite a source (or several) to back up your claim or illustrate your point. This means you will soon develop an intuitive feeling for when to cite as you write.
In the age of remixes and sampling, appropriation and appreciation, it might be confusing to figure out when information-sharing crosses the line into plagiarism. When in doubt, cite the source of the idea you are sharing. It is only plagiarism once you’ve submitted others’ ideas without crediting them.
It might seem like simple advice, but there are nuances to this concept. If you are presenting a line of thought, or sequences of ideas/reasoning that mirror that of another creator, you must credit that source. It may seem obvious that you should never cut and paste without using quotation marks and your source, but presenting another’s line of reasoning as your own is more subtle. We’ve included some sample text below that you can adjust to the source and topic you’re writing about:
if you use any of these sentence structures, you do not have to cite us as a source, since we’re offering them to you as an educational resource :)