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Mentorships are all unique, designed around the individual student.

Read about a few past mentorships so you can better understand our approach and process, how we match students and design final projects and see some of the results and feedback shared.

Website on body positivity offering resources for schools looking to add body image literacy to their health curricula

Application of machine learning algorithm to predict song genres using raw data from Spotify

Foldable solar cell that was designed using mathematical principles of symplectic geometry through origami

A paper and presentation proposing a new framework for civic engagement at the high-school level

Original website sharing historical, political and economical information on the global refugee crisis with resources encouraging advocacy

Review article on the effects of airborne microplastics on human health, which was published in the Young Scientists Journal

Original magazine about sustainable fashion, with articles on ethical and ecological issues and a unique research-based sustainability rating scale for fashion retailers

Research paper examining the impact of moral messages on Instagram users' self-esteem and body image beliefs

Academic review paper of the science behind chronic traumatic encephalopathy covering animal models in CTE testing and CTE pathology, diagnosis and treatment

Transmedia project focused on Holocaust remembrance using personal narratives and photojournalism to record survivor testimonials

High-level translation of Seneca’s Thyestes from the original Latin to English with annotations and analysis

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