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Sustainability Mentorships

1:1 learning and original research projects customized around students' interests

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Students interested in protecting, preserving and making the smartest possible use of the planet's natural resources should consider a mentorship in sustainability. It’s interdisciplinary and combines studies of ecological and environmental health with economic welfare and social justice.

Students can explore the green movement, evaluate agricultural practices, compare green and traditional construction methods, write policy briefs on consumer and economic trends, an expose on corporate greenwashing, or suggest strategies for fuel or automotive transitions. Student projects can integrate a broad range of interests, such as engineering, fashion, urban studies, visual or performative art, and dozens of other areas.



Academic Papers
Case Study
Research paper proposing mitigation strategies to minimize impacts of beauty industry on marine ecosystems
Art Exhibition Proposals
Case Study
A virtual exhibition addressing the climate crisis by highlighting ways nature provides exquisite beauty and the sublime
Case Study
Live Zoom presentation to a broad audience explaining ESG's principles and how it can support a more sustainable future
Business Plans and proposals
Case Study
Development and presentation of cosmetic brand mission and business code of conduct
Case Study
Presentation highlighting the sustainable architecture unique to Japanese culture
Policy and Advocacy Reports
Case Study
Paper sharing local-scale climate and pollution mitigation strategies for Greenwich residents
Computational modeling and design
Case Study
Design and development of a prototype of a fuel cell that valorizes carbon from the atmosphere
Policy and Advocacy Reports
Case Study
Analysis of how different countries are addressing or failing to address climate change and the important role top greenhouse gas emitters can play on the world stage
Policy and Advocacy Reports
Case Study
Creation of a slidedeck for public presentation educating young audiences on individual and public responses to food waste
Business Plans and proposals
Case Study
A primer on the apparel and retail supply chain with recommendations for small boutique owners
Policy and Advocacy Reports
Case Study
Memo that clarifies the impacts and values at stake in deciding between local and imported foods
Policy and Advocacy Reports
Case Study
Research paper and accompanying policy brief on the environmental impact of cryptocurrencies
Policy and Advocacy Reports
Case Study
Analysis exploring how different countries will be affected by the transition to renewable energy sources
Business Plans and proposals
Case Study
A business plan and marketing analysis to launch a closed-loop portable shower
Case StudiesDigital Content
Case Study
Original magazine about sustainable fashion, with articles on ethical and ecological issues and a unique research-based sustainability rating scale for fashion retailers
Policy and Advocacy Reports
Case Study
Policy memo for US Congressperson based on cutting-edge environmental science research that addresses key environmental needs of their district
Policy and Advocacy Reports
Case Study
Measuring the efficacy of a new nonprofit program establishing solar power in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria
Case StudiesComputational modeling and design
Case Study
Foldable solar cell that was designed using mathematical principles of symplectic geometry through origami
Computational modeling and design
Case Study
An innovative intermittent renewable energy grid for Caribbean islands impacted by climate change that relies on solar and wind power and can withstand a Category 5 hurricane

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