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Design-Thinking Mentorships

1-on-1 learning and original research projects customized around students' interests

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Design thinking is an iterative process focused on understanding the audience/user's needs, wants, and behavioral patterns. Most topics can be addressed using design thinking; students can create a new sport, design an app, write a historical play, create an animated video, propose budgets or policy for human- or built- infrastructure, etc.

Learning to address problems by using the design process is a transferable skill, useful in any future career including business, engineering, prototype design, and urban planning. A mentorship in design thinking develops a student’s ability to tackle questions that are ill-defined or unknown.  By re-framing challenges in human-centric ways, students learn to brainstorm, draft, test, and implement iterative cycles to their design. Design thinking can be used to revamp complex systems, such as government, business, or social organizations, or it can be used to produce better products or services.



Computational modeling and design
Case Study
A fail-safe mechanism for automated flight created using fault-injection method
Business Plans and proposals
Case Study
Design brief for a shopping basket to assist wheelchair-bound grocery shoppers navigate narrow grocery stores

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