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Dance Mentorships

1-on-1 learning and original research projects customized around students' interests

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Dance mentorships can take on a creative or academic focus: students can study the art of choreography, or analyze iconic performances and compare the evolution of different styles and traditions.. Students passionate about dance can use their mentorship to find a new appreciation for their craft or tie it to an existing interest in other subjects, such as history, psychology or social justice. Previous projects have examined the links of capoeira to slavery and emancipation, enumerated the benefits of dance to children with autism spectrum disorder, and argued the importance of space in choreography as a means of connecting audience and performers. Students completing a dance mentorship learn to put their art in a larger context, develop research skills, organizational skills, and gain confidence and fluency in communicating about the medium.



Policy and Advocacy Reports
Case Study
Project proposal for a social justice dance project raising awareness and support for dyslexic dancers
Digital Content
Case Study
Creation of an original website with blog posts discussing the healing power of intergenerational social dance
Digital Content
Case Study
A literature review documenting the impact of dance on mind/body and a website that shared findings on how perseverance and grit/discipline affect both dancers and people with diseases
Academic Papers
Case Study
Historical analysis of dance's evolution in the United States, and how "American dance" embodies the ideals of freedom and democracy

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