JRHS accepts submissions of “original research and meaningful literature reviews.”
Papers of fewer than 4,000 words are “strongly recommended” (excluding abstract and references (tables and figures are counted as 100 words each)).
You can see answers to other FAQs here.
Each Journal has its own formatting structure and requirements regarding a variety of technical factors, such as font, citations, bibliography, file naming, spacing, endnotes, illustrations, etc. You must go to JRHS’s Author Information page and read all requirements before you begin working on your paper to see the most up-to-date rules regarding formatting and structure and to make sure you are in line with all the listed requirements as you work on your paper. A link to a Manuscript Template is provided on that page.
An advisor is required for submitting to JRHS, and Hugo mentors meet the criteria for serving as advisors.
Yes. IRB approval is required for any research involving human subjects, including surveys. Before taking any additional steps, please talk to your mentor and Program Coach to determine if this is a consideration based on your dataset.
Papers must be uploaded using the Manuscript Submission form on the JRHS website. In addition to entering information about the paper and the student author, the form requires students to enter information about the research advisor (in this case, your Hugo mentor). The manuscript is uploaded to the form.
A submission fee of $250 is required for each new manuscript.
JRHS describes its process as including “original formatting and plagiarism check, peer review, revision, and editorial decision. Each process has a different timeline depending on the alignments to the journal’s guidelines and the punctuality of authors’ responses to requests by the editors. In general, the turnaround timeline is approximately 3 - 6 months. ” JRHS states that approximately 30% of submissions are published.
JRHS reviews applications as they receive them, and there is no set time frame for when you will hear back from them regarding the first phase of the review process.
JRHS follows an “open access” model, which means that previous and current publications are made freely available on the website and can be found by clicking on either the “New Articles” or the “Archive” heading on the homepage.
Academic protocol for publication submission dictates that you are allowed to submit to only one journal at time. Please keep this in mind when choosing a journal for publication submission and make sure that if you are considering multiple journals, that you decide on your preferred order before making your first submission.
If you are interested in submitting to JRHS this decision must be made as early as possible during your mentorship studies. Please speak to your Hugo mentor and Program Coach as soon as possible if you think you are interested in submitting to this journal.
This is a high-level summary designed to help you decide where to submit – for more details please ensure you review all of the submission requirements on the website as they can change.