Research papers, review papers, analysis papers, College Board’s AP Capstone or honors research, all topics accepted.
20 pages maximum.
Each issue has its own deadline for submission, with four issues published online each year. Deadline dates are posted on the website – visit the “Announcements” section on the homepage for the most current submission deadline and upcoming publication date:
Each Journal has its own formatting structure and requirements regarding a variety of technical factors, such as font, citations, bibliography, file naming, spacing, endnotes, illustrations, etc. You must go to JSR’s How to submit page and scroll down to the “Submission Requirements” section, before you begin working on your paper, to see the most up-to-date rules regarding formatting and structure and to make sure you are in line with all the listed requirements as you work on your paper.
An advisor is required for submitting to this Journal, and Hugo mentors meet the criteria for serving as advisors.
Yes. IRB approval is required for any research involving human subjects, including surveys. Before taking any additional steps, please talk to your mentor and Program Coach to determine if this is a consideration based on your dataset.
There is a $50 submission fee, and an additional $250 fee after you have been notified of the editorial decision (if accepted).
Reviewers on the editorial staff are not allowed to know the identity of the students who are submitting and vice versa. The reviewers will provide you with feedback on your paper after they have read it, regardless of whether your paper has been chosen for publication.
It is possible that your paper may be selected as is for publication, or that editors will require you to revise your paper before it proceeds to a second round of editorial review. If you are requested to make revisions and you are interested in putting in this additional work, the next step will be for you to revise your paper based on the editors’ feedback. Once you have made your revisions, you will resubmit your paper for a peer-reviewed process and the editors will make a final decision as to whether to accept your paper for publication.
Applicants are notified approximately 12-24 weeks after submission. There is a “Fast Track Review” option, which allows applicants to be notified within 5-6 weeks. This option is available for an additional fee; send an email to for more details.
JSR follows an” open access” model, which means that previous and current publications are freely available on the website and can be found by clicking on the “Current Issue” tab and the “Back Issues” tab. Additionally, once you have registered on the High School Student Portal, you will be able to view current submissions and past submissions by clicking on the “Archives” tab.
Academic protocol for publication submission dictates that you are allowed to submit to only one journal at time. Please keep this in mind when choosing a journal for publication submission and make sure that if you are considering multiple journals, that you decide on your preferred order before making your first submission.
If you are interested in submitting to JSR, this decision must be made as early as possible during your mentorship studies. Please speak to your Hugo mentor and Program Coach as soon as possible if you think you are interested in submitting to this journal.
In 2024 we received feedback from students about JSR being unresponsive to students who submitted their papers. While our students have had a very high success rate of publication with JSR in the past, at this time we do not feel comfortable recommending JSR as a publication venue.