Any type of historical research is accepted - ancient or modern, domestic or foreign.
Papers should be 5,000-9,000 words. While there are exceptions, the average published paper is about 8,500 words.
Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis, though each issue has its own deadline:
● Summer issue - February 1
● Fall issue - May 1
● Winter issue - August 1,
● Spring issue - November 1
Each Journal has its own formatting structure and requirements regarding a variety of technical factors, such as font, citations, bibliography, file naming, spacing, endnotes, illustrations, etc. You must go to the website’s submissions page before you begin working on your paper to see the most up-to-date rules regarding formatting and structure and to make sure you are in line with all the listed requirements as you work on your paper.
An advisor is not required to submit to The Concord Review.
No. After visiting this link, scroll to the bottom of the page until you reach the “Submission Form” section.
You must become an “author member” and pay a membership fee to submit to The Concord Review. The fee, which gives you a one year subscription to the journal, ranges from $70 to $150 depending on the level of membership you select.
Please remember that TCR publishes only around 5% of the papers it receives. Submitted papers are eligible for any of the upcoming 4 publication issues, and applicants whose essays are accepted will be notified by letter one month before their papers are published in the issue that the editorial team selects.
Once you pay your submission fee, as explained above, you will receive access to TCR publications. If you wish to see TCR publication issues before engaging in the submission process, you can do so by purchasing a non-author subscription.
Academic protocol for publication submission dictates that you are allowed to submit to only one journal at time. Please keep this in mind when choosing a journal for publication submission and make sure that if you are considering multiple journals, that you decide on your preferred order before making your first submission.
If you are interested in submitting to The Concord Review, this decision must be made as early as possible during your mentorship studies. Please speak to your Hugo mentor and Program Coach as soon as possible if you think you are interested in submitting to this journal.
This is a high-level summary designed to help you decide where to submit – for more details please ensure you review all of the submission requirements on the website as they can change.